7 Ways to Avoid Price Mistake Deals in a Downturn 🐰
Price mistake deals in a recession are among the worst that could happen to a business. Recessionary times can be challenging for businesses. Companies must ensure that they are offering competitive prices and taking all necessary steps to remain profitable while managing their costs. But a…
Why You Need to Integrate Data Insights into your Business Models 🗂
Most businesses continue to struggle to combine data analysis and insights into their business strategy and, inversely, match their data initiatives with the demands of their organisation. Worse, many firms don’t consider data to be significant yet. Why? >Download Now: Free PDF How to Maximise…
Best Subscription Business Models In Australia: A Look Into Uber’s Strategy 🚕
Many firms benefit from subscription business models because they encourage client success and improve buyer retention. Today, subscription models are being employed in almost every business. For years, growing firms such as Netflix, Dollar Shave Club, and Microsoft have used a subscription-based income model with great…
How Do Pandemics Impact Consumer Psychology and Pricing? ⏱️
Consumer psychology and pricing reveals the darker side of consumer sentiment and spending. Take the recent coronavirus pandemic, for example, when we saw consumer psychology and pricing changing overnight as mass media made us all feel guilty and ashamed for our bad hygiene. The overwhelming consumer…
How Avis Created A Value Based Business Strategy To Drive Brand Equity 🚘
How does a value-based business strategy affect brand equity? What happens to your products’ brand equity when you’ve discounted them too much or too deep? Short answer: You destroy brand equity and forever struggle to use price and promotions to capitalise on the value of your…
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